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Dawn Angeletti (Left) Dawn's Grandmother, Agnes (Right)

Dawn's Story

Lalka Beauty Co. is the dream of a little girl who played with her Grandmother’s makeup vanity, pretending to be an Old Hollywood star getting ready for her close up. Powder puffs and perfume, lace and rhinestones, lipstick and lotions, she loved every treasure in that Art Deco vanity.

“Little Lalka, I will see your name in lights one day!”

“Lalka” means “doll” in Polish and was my Grandmother’s pet name for me. She was always my biggest fan.

I grew up with her loving encouragement and knew I wanted to be in the entertainment industry one day. Although I didn’t end up being onscreen, I stood in front of the makeup mirror for over 25 years. I was a Union makeup artist for film and television, for musicians and live performances on stage, and for beautiful brides and private clients. Every day of my career was filled with something different. I have worked with A list actors, CEOs, rockstars, news and sports legends, hundreds of brides and my favorite clients of all, my mother and my daughters.

Lalka's Philosophy

Lalka Beauty Co. is a peek into the dressing room of an Old Hollywood star, reminiscent of my grandmother’s vanity. Located in the gorgeous Victorian District of Savannah, GA, you’ll find the makeup products that have been favorite staples in my pro makeup kit, bridal necessities for your wedding day (and night!), personal care, candles and boudoir decor to make your bedroom feel intimately yours.

Professional makeup artists can shop with confidence, as I carry your favorite professional, theatrical and FX products to restock your kit with skincare, makeup, disposable supplies and other makeup necessities for the trailer and your actor’s and client’s needs.

Lalka Beauty Co. is for everyone who wants to feel a little bit of glamour in downtown Savannah!

With Love,

Dawn Angeletti


